Minute to minute - Demonstration Against Racism
x La Haine from Denmark
::: December, 13 - Demonstration Against Racism at 17.00: "No
to Fortress Europe and Schengen". (Enghave Plads) :::
- Copenhagen: Between 3000 and 5000 people are now leaving
Enghave Plads. Many demonstrators carry torches. Police units are few,
there is scarcely one van leading the march.
18.25 - Copenhagen:
Thousands of people stroll along Vestergarde St. towards Rodhuspladsen.
ATTAC and United List blocks are remarkable, with the motto: "Stand
for the right to asylum. Let's stop the European Fortress". There
are placards pro- comunism and maoism ("Cheers to maoism. Free
President Gonzalo", as reclaimed by a support gropu to Peruvian
Communist Party) as well as anarchist and pro-palestinian flags. Also
remarkable are the communist (Leftist Youth) and antifascist blocks
from Sweden (AFA), as well as SOS Racism-Norway.
18.35 - Copenhagen:The
atmosphere is very cheerful. Many organisations and networks condemn
EU's policies of exclusion, besides from exposing a great variety of
ideas. A placard claims: "Stop the plan against Batasuna".
18.45 - Copenhagen:
The demonstration is now passing by Tivoli. No Border, SAF, Rod Ungdom
(Left Youth), Norway Communist Party, Dansk Youth Sotialists and World
People Resistance Movement blocks are also exhibiting their mottos within
the march. About 10 police vans and 50 anti-riot cops watch the rear
of the march.
18.55 - Copenhagen:
The placard in the lead asks for "Rights for everyone. Stop racism
and discrimination". People dances to the sound of "Oh bella,
19.00 - Copenhagen:
An activist from ATTAC has reported to La Haine that "it is not
true that moderate organisations are main in this march. We are not
revolutionaries, we are radical reformists. For instance: we are not
against the existance of propietors, we are for everybody to be one".
19.20 - Copenhagen:
The demonstration has reached Rodhauspladsen, end of the course. An
activist from the swedish antifascist organistation AFA has reported
to La Haine that "we are not arranging anything along with ATTAC
because we don't agree with their hope of marching towards a good-human
capitalism. We're not radical reformists because we don't want to reform
a thing. We understand that the system has to be completely destroyed
in order to create a new one based upon solidarity and revolutionary
socialism. Anyway, this march is against racism and we are not against
anyone to participate, everyone with its own views".