

MicroPlatform: Proyecto musical por la libertad
de tres compañeros antifascistas italianos
de la unión entre Micro-Solco (Italia) y The Platform (Argentina)
para crear un proyecto musical antifascista que suponga una respuesta
más a la represión del poder establecido.
El gobierno de Berlusconi ha sido protagonista de la actualidad internacional
por ejercer la politica de "mano dura" contra el movimiento
disidente. Asi, no le temblo el pulso a la hora de ordenar la agresión
contra las manifestaciones anticapitalistas de genova, e incluso justifico
la ejecucion del activista Carlo Giuliani. Ahora el movimiento antifascista
en italia se prepara para responder a un nuevo ataque: El montaje policial
contra tres militantes antifascistas acusados de haber participado en
una agresion a neonazis el 14 de abril del 2001, cuando estos celebraban
el aniversario de la muerte de Mussolini.
El gobierno de Berlusconi no solo pretende amparar las celebraciones
fascistas sino que ademas, pretende asustar a todos aquellos que en
su dia a dia trabajan contra el orden neoliberal. Microplatform abre
un frente musical en apoyo a los militantes detenidos, hoy 10 de Enero
del 2003, dia de su juicio.
Desde este espacio también pretendemos extender la solidaridad
con los anarquistas presos en Valencia y apoyar la valiente lucha de
las madres de la resistencia argentina, las Madres de Plaza de Mayo,
asi como unirnos al grito piquetero "Que se vayan todos, pero todos
en serio".
Micro-Platform: En apoyo a los compañeros antifascistas
detenidos el 25 de abril 2001
Mp3 de apoyo:
Más musica relacionada:
Milano, Italy: Don´t bring the social opposition to trial
Two years ago, on April 25th 2001, in Piazza Loreto during the defence
remembering the partisan slaughter made by nazi and the Liberation Anniversary,
some neo-fascists came with a flower crown to commemorate the dictator
Mussolini. In the square there were hundreds of antifascists who reacted
very quickly, bringing far from the square the fascists, and letting
the celebrations go ahead, all day long. 5 months later, on September
12th 2001, three members of the Milanese antagonist movement were arrested.
Pretext: evidence defilement. A "big intelligence operation",
announced in every newspaper.
The result? Some red flags and 2 "agendineSSS" sequestrated.
The penalty for this crime arrives to 7 years of jail. Let's this be
the occasion for us to bring the historical revisionism to trial, by
which the right wing and new neo-nazi groups are legitimated. We want
to accuse the repressive strategy that criminalizes the disagreement
and tries to make silent antagonist movements, through denunciations,
special surveillance, caution guardianship, and even jail.
The new order of the world is under discussion because of the big antagonist
movements, growing everywhere; but they are under accuse because of
new European Parliamentary Bills, that call this evolution "terrorism".
Dozens of comrades from "Rebel South" arrested for "politics
conspiracy and tendency to subversion" clearly show what the repressive
strategy wants: breaking up the unity and strength among working class,
unemployed, students and migrantes.
We don't want to play on defence. We want to scream the passwords that
unify our movement: job, salary, house, health, and culture rights.
Hundreds of comrades were present during the sitting and demos, because
we believe it's really important a whole support for the accused.
We believe this is a political trial, and our declarations and text
will follow this provocation.
Our witness is Luigi Borgomastri, from Milanese Institute of Contemporary
History and Labour Movement and technical consultant for the Public
Prosecutor in the trial against the nazi killer condemned for the slaughter
in Piazza Loreto.